Monday, August 27, 2012

Slaying a DRAGON fruit

Dear Amelia and Julia

So perhaps the title of this post is a little bit dramatic, however the name of the fruit is rather dramatic don't you think and it looks dramatic, so doesn't this lovely fascinating fruit deserve a little drama, a little adventure, a little pzazz?

Here in South Africa we have really managed to grow in the culinary world, and I suppose that is why suddenly we are importing some lovely global morsels into not just specialty stores but into some of our local super markets as well.

In today's South Africa, you can find funky enoki and oyster mushrooms, bok choi, endives, truffle, and even  okra. Previously if recipes called for the fore mentioned, you had to substitute them with button mushrooms and lettuce, and pray the recipe worked without the truffle and even more, you sat there going "what on earth is okra?".

For me it has been wonderful, because it sometimes feels that as my foodie-ness grew, so has the food market, making it easier for me to experiment and try out some of the lovely things I have seen on the cooking channel.

With the above in mind, you can therefore image my excitement when I was just walking around our local grocery store with my Mother one day with just the intention to keep her company and hang out, when I noticed this neon coloured thing in the fruit section!

I have seen the dragon fruit before on travel shows and shows like Master chef Australia and always wondered what it must taste like. I immediately turned to my Mother and pleaded with her, "pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase can we buy it! Look at it! It's amazing!"

Doesn't it look like a dragons egg?

Luckily for me, my Mother is wonderful! So she said we could buy it, and I proceeded to search for the brightest coloured one to get the most "Ooooh's" and "Aaaaaah's" when I would take it back with me to my Fiancee's house.

The brightest fruit I could find for the "ooh's" and "aah's"

At my Fiancee's house, the "slaying" began. The dragon fruit has a thick leathery skin, but it peels quite easily. I was really most surprised to see how white the actual fruit inside was compared to it's bright exterior, but I was also rewarded while peeling it to see how the inside of the skin had an even more beautiful fuschia colour to it, which I loved!

It felt like I was in a fantasy land looking at this remarkable fruit.

Look! It's white inside!

And the skin is even brighter inside! Fuschia beautifulness!

Once peeled I cut the white fruit into slices for us all to try. To me I would explain the taste and texture to be a bit of a mix between a prickly pear and a kiwi fruit.

The taste was closer to the prickly pear, very watery, with a bit of sweetness, but also a hint of sour and salt, so a bit like a watered down prickly pear. However the texture was soft and had crunchy tiny black seeds like a kiwi.

If I had to be completely honest with you, after the excitement of the look of they fruit, the taste was a little anticlimactic. A bit of a boring taste on it's own. However I could see it being a lovely addition to a fruit salad.

Perhaps one day I shall try it again in that fruit salad and let you know how that went.


May Marjoram

Friday, August 24, 2012

End of Week Icon: Schalk Burger

Dear Marilyn

So I should warn you, this weeks end of week icon may be a little random, but how could I not mention this man as an icon if I idolize him so much.

We all are fans of certain people, and I think it's important to be fans of local celebs as well, and because of this and also because I MET HIM! This weeks end of week icon is...

Mr. Schalk Burger:

May Marjoram- ecstatic to meet her rugby hero Schalk Burger.
I suppose having an icon mentioned of this nature I should admit it upfront that I am a big fan of my local rugby teams, and its true! I am an out and out Springbok, Stormers, and Western Province supporter.

Most importantly though, what I should admit to you is this... I absolutely LOVE Schalk Burger! Now don't get me wrong, I am an engaged girl, my whole heart does and always will belong to My Fiancee, but does that mean I can't keep a little space on the outskirts of my heart to have some love for fantastic rugby players, comedic karate masters and quirky Australian animal behaviouralists?

I seem to have soft spots for people who seem to get hurt a lot? I cannot explain why this is. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm rather accident prone, but there's something absolutely wonderful about people who get hurt ALL the time, and yet just keep going as if nothing happened. 

Maybe it's got some strange hidden message about perseverance and doing what you believe in and are passionate about no matter what?

There are three men in particular that get hurt A LOT that I love. Sadly the one has already passed, and it was very sad for me. This man was Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter. This man was FANTASTIC! The way he passed was not the way I expected he'd go at all, but at least it was still doing what he loved, be it not with crocodiles or reptiles, at least it was in the wild.

The second man I love who hurts himself constantly is, Mr Jackie Chan! Who couldn't love this awesome man, who insists on doing ALL his stunts, has injured himself countless amounts of times and yet still continues to do his own stunts in movies in his 50's! Not to mention the fact that he sings as well!

Finally, there is a man who comes from my own City, the lovely, the wonderful, Our man of this week, Mr Schalk Burger!! Farah Fennel, who read Jake Whites book, told me this fantastic story that Jake wrote about Schalk Burger.

Apparently, in one game, Schalk Burger got injured and his lip was hurt quite badly and needed stitches (the scar is still visible today), he was sent off for the blood bin, and apparently, while the medic was still stitching him up, he was saying that the medic needs to hurry up, he wants to get back on the field :) It's obvious that Schalk Burger, if it were allowed, would have stayed on the field and waited to get stitches till after the game. 

This man is like a human tank, it's WONDERFUL to watch him play. Once a watched a game where he and another player accidentally head butted each other. The other player stayed down, holding his head, and Schalk Burger sort of shook is head, and then kept playing like nothing happened.

Now... reading the above, you may think, wow, scary, what a MONSTER!,but you would be very very wrong.

Once my Fiancee's Mother was flying and landed up in the seat next to Schalk Burger on the plane. She was seated first, and then suddenly this rather large man came to the seat next to her. He looks at her, holds out his hand and says "Hello tannie, ek's Schalk Burger" (Hello Aunty (a sing of respect from an Afrikaans person) I am Schalk Burger)  Naturally, my Fiancee's Mother (someone who loves rugby as much if not more than me) replied, "I know".

I mean what a nice guy to be as modest as to not assume that everyone knows who he is!

Now recently, Rocking Rosemary came for a visit from the UK and on one of the nights we went out dancing.

I was pretty tired, and it was the end of the night, I was sitting in a corner, hoping and praying everyone else would get tired and leave so I could go, and then to make me feel better, after waiting for sooo long, it happened! There he was! He walked right by me! BUT! I couldn't get to him! Because at that exact same moment to make my sleepy misery worse, Rocking Rosemary and her boyfriend decided to do a pile-on on me!

SO to make up for it, Rocking Rosemary cornered him and asked him if she could take a picture of him with me :) To be more precise, she informed him i was "in love with him" and that he HAD to take a picture with me. I suppose this is why he looks a little afraid, but as you can see in the picture at the top, I was ecstatic (which completely made up for the embarrassing moment caused by Ms Rosemary).

It was a moment I will always remember, and a definite to be ticked off of a bucket list.

I will always be greatful to Rocking Rosemary for making a dream come true, and to SCHALK BURGER for being so sweet and such a sport and a definite icon in my books :)


May Marjoram

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bake more

Dear Julia,

Bake more! Yes, that'll be next year's resolution I think. Basically I've performed pretty badly at last year's resolution of painting 1 painting a month, so hopefully this next one will do better.

Why not? I mean, I was pretty nervous this last weekend past as I was helping a friend (debatable) and simultaneously cashing in my birthday present of a cupcake baking session with her amazing daughter Maddie. It wasn't just the potty training that I was afraid of... I couldn't quite think how I was going to bake cupcakes with a 3 year old when I think the last batch I made was a close catastrophe just on my own!

But I'm mad. Baking isn't hard, and takes no time at ALL! Maddie and I made beautiful caramel cupcakes in under half an hour. Okay I did help a little with the mixing bits when it got a little tough for her, but barely really.
If a 3 year old can pretty much make cupcakes I should be baking up a storm!

Bring on 2013  - the year of the lemon-meringue cupcake, chocolate brownies and tea biscuits!

Now... can I ask you to check up on me? I'd really appreciate some help on this.
In exchange I'm sharing this neat idea for biscuits at your next tea party. Deal?

Farrah Fennel

Monday, August 20, 2012

A knife stand with some voodoo satisfaction

Dear Julia, Frida and Marie

I was taking a walk down the factory shop street the one day, and noticed that there was a new kitchen shop!

I was actually there to look at shoes, but when it comes to home-ware, kitchen appliances and nifty ideas, I have a definite problem and got completely side tracked as I am sure you ladies can understand.

It is a pretty nice place. It has a couple of bits and bobs you won't find in all your kitchen shops, electronic pizza ovens, giant mugs, a lovely marble rolling pin, etc, and then there was THIS GUY!!!! A knife stand in the shape of a person. A lovely voodoo knife stand!

Sort of made me think of some very poor soul who was on the veeeery wrong side of a knife fight!

Mostly though I imagine how satisfying it would be to have a knife stand like this on your bad days.

Envisage that the metallic person is who ever is making you feel less than happy and enjoy returning the knife into the body.

Yes... a little dark, I know, but you must admit that it is better to have little "voodoo" violent thoughts than to actually inflict pain.

Sadly with the satisfaction it could bring, the quality of the stand is rather disappointing. Very plasticy, so most definitely not worth the price it was being sold for.

Perhaps though, one day when I am rich, I can indulge myself and spend money on silly things to make me laugh, but in my current position I am unable to justify buying something like that :(


May Marjoram

Monday, August 13, 2012

The Gautrain!

Dear Amelia

I wrote a rap! That's gangsta rhyming in case you didn't know. Have a look.

"Well London thinks they phat! Well I ain't down with that! With their tubes and their trains and their walkin in the rain, well they clearly aint met the Gautrain! Yo!"

Yes... Unfortunately I do sometimes think I'm gangsta. This is very sad, but true. A little detour from our theme of vintage and retro, I apologize, I promise I will not do that too often :D Haha!

But YES! this little beauty is the Gautrain.

It's a lovely form of public transport which after many a year was finally finished and put into working order for the 2010 soccer world cup here in South Africa, and I can tell you that it is still 2 years later, working nicely and a very pleasant experience.

If you have ever been lucky/unlucky enough (depending on you personal opinion) to travel to Johannesburg you would have probably noticed that the traffic there can be quite an ordeal. Driving from O.R. Thambo airport to Sandton city could take you an hour. NOW however, if you take the Gautrain, you can take a quarter of the time and travel there in 15 minutes! Really really! I do not exaggerate or kid!

What's more, is they are strict! You may NOT eat or drink on the Gautrain. Now no offence to the London public transport which I was lucky to experience, it was still fantastic! But the Gautrain, wow! It was wonderful! So so clean! It sounds like such a simple thing, but it really makes all the difference. I was extremely impressed.

Friday, August 10, 2012

End of Week Icon: Anne Hathaway

Dear Marilyn

Seeing as though it was Womens Day yesterday, I feel it is only fitting that our end of week icon be female.

Therefore I declare this weeks end of week icon to be...

Ms Anne Hathaway:

Anne Hathaway by Nigel Parry.

We most recently saw Ms Hathaway in the latest Batman movie where she plays a very enjoyable and believable Cat woman. (In my opinion at least)

Anne is really wonderful though because her range is quite wide. Ms Anne Hathaway can also be enjoyed playing characters in period films like when she plays the wonderful woman who has brought us so many romance stories, Jane Austen, She has played in Comedic Action films, teen romance films, and even in a few dramas.

Very well known as well for her performance opposite the exquisite Meryl Streep (an Icon we are bound to feature soon) in The Devil Wears Prada and keeping her own in a film with a mega star, Ms Hathaway I think is very deserving of a mention.


May Marjoram

Monday, August 6, 2012

Feeling blue

Dear Frida

Blue... it's just a colour right?

Well for some that may be the case, but this colour is often used to describe a feeling, and today this is the feeling I feel. 

I feel blue.

In a way, the feeling is rather apt, because it is Monday after all (Blue Monday). However, I must tell you it is not the day that is making me blue, but general forces in life pushing me into the depths of this deep sad colour.

Of course, the fact that it is a Monday does not help for the mood. Find me one person who likes a Monday and I'll somehow find a way to give them a prize.

I'll admit that if I were to go about describing myself by colours, most days I'm probably more of a yellow, happy sunny yellow, or I'm a purple, royal, think too much, think I'm all wisdom and creativity purple.

But today, I'm blue, and not the blue you google, which says things like calm and distance, bla bla bla, but the blue most of us know, sad, grumpy, depressed, reclusive blue.

I would hope you would understand where I am coming from, knowing colours so very well. Also as a fellow female, feeling a little down is not an uncommon feeling.

How is it that we generally pull ourselves out of this blue? I don't know about you, but it feels like thinking through it is not how it will be fixed. Sometimes when you feel this way, the more you try and think about it to try and figure out what is wrong and how to fix it, the further you sink.

Sometimes it is actually better to act first and think later I think. 

Today I will drink another cup of coffee and force myself to leave the house! If I'm not sitting still, I cannot over think anything, and in such a way, I shall leave my blue behind, add a little red, and get back to purple at least! Ha! Take that blue!


May Marjoram