Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We've Lost it!

My lovely sister and I have started another blog! In her case it's an entirely plausible enterprise since she's very good at her updates (click and see!) I on the other hand, well this could be a bit of a challenge, but lets kick it off!

There is the chance that I may have lost it, thinking I can write for two blogs when I more regularly skip blog posts than actually post them.
Another thing I'm hoping to lose this month is weight! I decided this would be an appropriate topic for a women's blog since it's something that even the most confident of us seem to worry about.
Am I thin enough? Can I pull off that kind of outfit? Does my bum look big in this? (It's a cliche men like to throw at us because it's true. Damn them.)

SURE! Worry about this stuff just a little. Try to eat healthily in general and you'll avoid the panic that my sister and I fall into every now and then (read about our diet adventure here), but don't worry about it too much.
No one likes that girl who verbally gabs on about what she's eating, how fat she is, or how she has to go to the gym or she feels simply huge. I was recently trapped at a table full of these women at a wedding and seriously considered poking my eye out. Especially as I was and probably still am twice their size. 
Besides... seriously? At a wedding? What are you people gastronomical masochists?

Here's a nice healthy example we're aiming for – Curves! 
& please note that the pin up versions are just that tad bustier and a smidgen thinner in the waist. Aim for the figures on the left please – evil "photoshopping" has existed for ages!