Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A friendly disagreement

Dear friends,

Over the next couple of months you MAY notice a couple of small (or enormous) changes happening on this blog layout from time to time.

I'm involved in a small battle of wits with my account. I would like to take one of the pretty dynamic templates and just change 1 or 2 teensy weensy things, but it seems that's not as simple as it sounds. So for now you'll see the progress of a simple banner as I go along & then later when I'm more educated in all things blog there will hopefully be a beautiful template for us to communicate with.

Hold thumbs for me. I do so hope Blogger and I can remain easy going friends into the future...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Swimming Along Nicely

Dear Audrey,

Hold onto your sunhat... I have some news. Earlier we wrote to tell you about our attempts at weightloss (how boring of us), and now isn't it nice to follow up with a small letter to tell of progress?
Not much, but SOME!

With all the lumps and bumps along the road I'm pleasantly surprised and pleased that we've still managed to melt away some other unwanted lumps on our curves. Hold thumbs for us because ultimately I would love to look good in one of these: