Wednesday, June 27, 2012

No, YOU're a Muppet

Dear Marilyn,

We watched a new movie the other day - The Muppet Movie.
What a great laugh! Some good ol' clean humour, some singing and dance numbers and the vintage dresses...
Oh Amy Adams... How we love you, the way you pull off a vintage style and how we'll need to have you for an end of week icon post!

The Muppets themselves have been around for so many years that I think we could classify this movie, even though only released this year, as retro if not vintage.
During the movie I just kept thinking to myself, "Who wouldn't want to be friends with Kermit?"

This kind of highlights two things for me...
It IS possible for a genuine, nice guy to be the hero. The appeal of a leading man doesn't always have to be that he's mysterious or a little bit of a bad guy. It doesn't always have to be that the attraction is there to reform or save the guy, sometimes it can be about how he makes you want to re-evaluate yourself and the way you take the knocks that the world sends your way.

and 2.
Jim Henson was a BLOODY GENIUS! I mean to create a personality and a world that can make me forget that Kermit is a FROG with ping pong balls for eyes, and not a real human being...

As I continue to "grow up" I would like remember to have a little bit of Kermit-nice-ness in me.
Thank you Mr Henson.

Source: via Keyna on Pinterest

Monday, June 11, 2012

Does this count as eating organic?

Dear Frida and Julia

Would you just look at this!!

rustic, rocks,wood,sleek lines,love
I am in love with the concept of bringing the outdoors, indoors! More importantly, I love mixing textures! Wouldn't working in a kitchen like this, or visiting someone sitting at that counter make you feel a little like you are in a cabin in the mountains, or in a farm kitchen?

Bringing raw wood and stones inside for decor seems to create such an earthy natural feel (organic?).

It speaks to a persons inner hippy or hunter gatherer. Brings you back the the idea of being outside and sourcing your own food.

A kitchen like this looks like it needs to be paired with a large herb and vegetable garden which is probably just outside this picture's frame that you can probably see through some large glass doors from the kitchen while you cook, creating even more of an impression of being outside while inside.

Oh my. To have these textures in my kitchen and household one day. I'm almost sure it would make the food taste better!


May Marjoram

Friday, June 8, 2012

End of Week Icon: Zooey Deschanel

Dear Marilyn

So it's the end of our second week writing this here blog and with the weekend once again upon us, it is time to feature another End of Week Icon. 

This week, the lucky person is last week's end of week icon Joseph Gordon-Levitt's co star in the movie, 500 day's of summer;

Ms Zooey Deschanel:

As said previously, this B.E.A.utiful lady has starred in fantastic movies like, 500 days of summer, the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and almost famous.

She has now recently started acting in the series new girl, where she plays quirky teacher Jesse.

As you can see in the picture above, she is EXTREMELY deserving of being here on this blog. Her retro, vintage style is amazing!


May Marjoram

Monday, June 4, 2012

To dream of the big day

Dear Audrey.

Every girl dreams of that big day.

I think that if you are female and try to say that you haven't thought of a wedding day between the ages of 12-what ever age you are now, I'm sorry to say this and possibly offend you, but, you're lying!

Lately I suppose I've been thinking about that big day a little more that usual. Sadly for me these thoughts remain in the dream phase and are not yet at the point of actions and planning, but to dream is to be a girl and more importantly to give you something to strive towards.

When it comes to my dreams of a white wedding, I suppose I may be semi unconventional.

Most girls will dream of that extravagant white wedding dress, with the bling, the beads, the frills, the puffs, the poofs, the trains, the sucking in, stifling bodices, the the the...gasp! Air, need air, breath...

It's all very beautiful, but it's all just that little bit too much, for me at least. Although I wish and dream to be something different, outstanding, and such, in my heart of hearts I know I'm just a plain and simple kind of gal.

For me the perfect wedding would suit my personality. For me my dream wedding is simple, with flair and fun in the food and decor, rather than the dress, hair and make up.

Therefore, I have recently become rather obsessed the the retro style tea-length wedding dresses.

Simple A-line shapes, with just the hint of fancy in the form of lace, or a few frill.

The tea-length obsession compliments my love for dancing. At the few weddings I've been to, the one thing I always notice is how the brides looks so beautiful and graceful in church, but later at the reception, when they would like to dance, they are uncomfortable and are constantly relying on their bridesmaids to readjust their dress and/or pin it back up. At my future wedding, I'd like to have a dress that allows me the freedom to just dance, no hassles, no worries, just dance (and if you look and a tea-length dress, you may also notice their shape just begs for you to do some spinning in it).

Another positive for a tea-length wedding dress is, it is super complimentary for a woman's shape. The A-line shape accentuates your curves, and the length leaves you the option of having that fun pop of colour to your wedding ensemble with a fun colour shoe, or wearing those killer heals at your wedding and having people actually see it.

If you ask me, the retro, tea-length dress is an option for a simple fun loving girl that should not be counted out.


May Marjoram

Friday, June 1, 2012

End of Week Icon: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Here's a nice way to round of our first week of blog posts! By introducing our first End of Week Icon

Mr Joseph Gordon-Levitt:

There's a bit of a Gene Kelly twinkle going on in this image I think so obviously I'd enjoy it.
We're feasting our greedy eye's on this man as much as we can these days and he's complying quite nicely by starring in a few beautiful movies. Nice of him hey?

The way he looks in a bow tie on the red carpet has me thinking he'll need another nod later on this blog.