Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bake more

Dear Julia,

Bake more! Yes, that'll be next year's resolution I think. Basically I've performed pretty badly at last year's resolution of painting 1 painting a month, so hopefully this next one will do better.

Why not? I mean, I was pretty nervous this last weekend past as I was helping a friend (debatable) and simultaneously cashing in my birthday present of a cupcake baking session with her amazing daughter Maddie. It wasn't just the potty training that I was afraid of... I couldn't quite think how I was going to bake cupcakes with a 3 year old when I think the last batch I made was a close catastrophe just on my own!

But I'm mad. Baking isn't hard, and takes no time at ALL! Maddie and I made beautiful caramel cupcakes in under half an hour. Okay I did help a little with the mixing bits when it got a little tough for her, but barely really.
If a 3 year old can pretty much make cupcakes I should be baking up a storm!

Bring on 2013  - the year of the lemon-meringue cupcake, chocolate brownies and tea biscuits!

Now... can I ask you to check up on me? I'd really appreciate some help on this.
In exchange I'm sharing this neat idea for biscuits at your next tea party. Deal?

Farrah Fennel


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